Posts Tagged ‘wedding’

The countdown has begun

Posted: October 6, 2010 in family, life
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My oldest daughter is getting married this Friday.

My youngest girl is skipping two days of school beginning tomorrow so that she, her sister and their mom can begin getting nails did, hair did, do dress stuff and who knows whatever else women do two or three days before a wedding.

I tried on my tux this evening at the overpriced men’s store with it’s swishy, snooty male employees. It fits.

Tomorrow night is rehearsal at the church and then dinner at a Mexican restaurant.

The call

Posted: September 30, 2009 in family
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I got the call this evening. My daughter is getting married. No, not 15 year-old Gabby but Sara, my 22 year-old. It isn’t that much of a surprise to anyone but when she announced this it was one of those weird moments that caused the blood to suddenly drain from my head.

I am very happy for her but I am also dreading the day we have to go tux shopping.